Meeting the needs of neighbors in our community

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For several years our church members have lovingly contributed to the Network of Community Ministries, an organization in Richardson that serves those in need of food, clothing, housing assistance, job search help and other services. 

During this pandemic members are regularly contributing food to the Network as well as providing donations to help those in need of funds.  The number of people struggling with the burden of financial instability, loss of homes and food for their families is growing. The Network is finding it a tremendous challenge to meet needs and is very grateful for community support.

Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the Christian Science Church, was a philanthropist.  Her humanitarian donations were abundant and diverse. For example, she often contributed to other churches in need, gave shoes for several years to indigent children in the town in which she lived, donated to local businesses, responded generously to others during national disasters.

Speaking of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy wrote: “This Science requires man to be honest, just, pure; to love his neighbor as himself, and to love God supremely.”  (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 367:2)

An important aspect of loving our neighbor is to lift our hearts in prayer, affirming that God is Love and tenderly cares for all mankind and acknowledging the power of the Scripture: “For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37 NKJV)

We invite you to join us in helping the Richardson Community by bringing your contributions to the Reading Room or to any church service. Click below for details:

How to Donate