Vaccines, Immunity, and the Pathway to Health

There is much in the news today about Covid vaccines. How are they being distributed, how effective are they, who will get them first?

What is the real power behind a vaccine? What is the role our mental state plays in our immunity? And how can we place our healthcare on a lasting and sure foundation. The link below will take you to an article written to answer these questions:

Vaccines, Immunity, and the Pathway to Health

At the end of the article are two additional links with relevant information.

The first link is to a news article written by the church headquarters on:

A Christian Science Perspective on Vaccination and Public Health

The second link takes you to an article written by researchers at the Mary Baker Eddy Library who looked at how the discoverer and founder of Christian Science responded to calls for mandatory inoculation in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Her position at that time is still relevant today.

Vaccination: What did Eddy say?